Update on CeCe’s remand into custody

Hello community of CeCe supporters.

On January 4th, CeCe McDonald was told by her attorney that a bench warrant was issued for her, for two alleged violations of her conditions of release. Her PO alleges that she tampered with her electronic monitoring device for twelve hours; it was argued in court that this could have been a mechanical issue and that the state hasn’t provided evidence that CeCe was responsible. And though on previous occasions CeCe has passed the random drug tests she’s been required to take, she tested positive for THC on December 29th. On the afternoon of January 4th, CeCe turned herself in to the court and on January 5th, she appeared for a hearing on these allegations in a courtroom packed with supporters.

Judge Moreno heard arguments from both sides. The defense asked for the lowering of her bail so CeCe’s community could raise money for her release, and reminded the court that CeCe is not any more a threat to society than she was before the alleged violations. The defense also reminded the court that McDonald already has a job working at a local café and has been trusted to go to and from doctor’s appointments and work in the past, with no problems.

Judge Moreno ruled against CeCe, and set her bail at $500,000. Her trial is not scheduled to start until April 30, 2012.

Supporters will continue to spread the word about the injustice McDonald is suffering in the legal system, and to demand that Hennepin County Attorney Michael Freeman drop the charges against her.

Posted on January 6, 2012, in Updates. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Update on CeCe’s remand into custody.

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